NAN Cautions Hon. Benjamin Kalu Over Unwarranted Confrontations With Governor Otti


Hon. Benjamin Kalu,
the Deputy Speaker

The Northern Awareness Network (NAN), a group dedicated to promoting collective progress and harmonious coexistence within the various states of Nigeria, has condemned recent actions taken by Hon. Benjamin Kalu, the Deputy Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives.

In a statement issued by its National Coordinator, Salihu Suleiman, NAN expressed concern over Hon. Kalu's confrontational stance towards the current Governor of Abia State, Alex Otti. The group believes these actions not only risk creating discord within a region that urgently seeks unity but also undermine the legitimate efforts of the Abia State government, which is working steadfastly to revitalize various sectors of the state.

The statement emphasized that as a representative of the people, Hon. Kalu must recognize the significant repercussions his actions may have on the constituents he serves. NAN urged him to reconsider his approach and prioritize the responsibilities that come with his legislative role. The people of Abia State, they argued, deserve representation rooted in constructive dialogue and cooperation, not divisive rhetoric and unnecessary grandstanding.

"The ongoing administration is committed to reinforcing the foundations of development in the state. It is imperative that all stakeholders, including Hon. Kalu, channel their energies toward supporting this vision rather than detracting from it," the statement read.

NAN also highlighted concerns about Hon. Kalu's performance in the legislature, noting that his record has been a source of concern among constituents. Critiques have pointed to perceived inadequacies and lapses in duty, and NAN implored him to focus on improving his legislative performance and rebuilding his reputation, which has suffered considerably due to actions that have cast disrepute upon the integrity of the House.

The statement continued, "The citizens of Abia State are looking for effective leadership that prioritizes the welfare of the people over personal conflicts. It is essential for leaders to demonstrate resilience and fortitude in challenging times."

NAN further advised that, as a relatively new figure still finding his footing within the complexities of national governance, it would serve Hon. Kalu well to heed their caution. Instead of engaging in confrontations that distract from real governance issues, he should work diligently to recover his relevance in the House of Representatives.

"The path to effective representation is paved with collaboration, mutual respect, and a genuine commitment to the public good," the statement added.

NAN concluded with a stern warning: "Should Hon. Kalu persist in his disruptive confrontations with the governor, the Northern Awareness Network will not hesitate to galvanize the citizens of Abia State to rise against efforts that threaten their well-being. We are prepared to initiate a comprehensive recall effort to ensure that the voices of the voters are heard, and that those who serve them are held accountable for their actions."

The statement concluded by urging Hon. Kalu to allow Abia State to thrive under its current popular administration, which is working tirelessly to advance the state's interests. "A united front is paramount for the progress and prosperity of our communities. Let us work together to build a brighter future for all Nigerians."

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